Welcome to my blog! Here you will have the opportunity to improve your English and get to know interesting facts about this language!
I hope you learn and get the most out of it!! Inma Melgar

Monday, January 18, 2016

"Hamlet"... very soon in IES Colonial...

Yes!! In June, 3º ESO will perform Hamlet, but.... not the traditional one 😄

If you want some clue, watch this:

Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year Resolutions

Sure you have a long list of things you would like to do in 2016, like for example...
1. Get fit
2. Eat healthy food
3. Spend more time with your family

Well, if you want to stick to these New Year resolutions, just some advice:

Be REALISTIC when listing them and consider FAILURE as a good opportunity to learn. Don't give up the first time things go wrong...
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